The only comprehensive diabetes management App - see more
**CREATED BY David Calder MD to provide an always at your finger tips
comprehensive diabetes management tool , that will simplify your
diabetes care and help you preserve your good health.
" Diabetes Office Visit app. " is designed to help you ,
Set goals> reach goals> and prevent complication
:" Diabetes office visit app " is designed specifically to deal with all risk
associated with having Diabetes.
Diabetes control is more than just controlling blood glucose levels.
Cardiovascular disease is the major risk for people with Diabetes and
pre -diabetes.
" RISK MANAGEMENT SECTION " provides the tools for tracking and managing the risk factors ( Blood
Pressure ,
LDL cholesterol , HDL cholesterol , Triglycerides , Apo b
levels and albumin/ creatinine ratio ) associated with Diabetes and
heart disease.
"GOAL SETTING SECTION " provides you with the recommend target goals and the ability to
adjust those goals to meet your specific situation.
Having target goals makes diabetes care much simpler. If you know
the target goals- then any thing that is not meeting that goal is a
reason for discussion with your physician
" GLUCOSE MANAGEMENT SECTION " is designed by me to present the the information needed by you
and your physician to make management decisions . Collecting
and presenting the right data to your health care provider is
crucial to making the correct glucose management decisions.
You can follow just your glucose results or add carbohydrate
intake, exercise or medications if needed.
The ebook discusses when to test and how to present your data to
your health care provider.
" e BOOK SECTION " Provides all of the above tools , plus a better understanding of
treatment goals and a light hearted look at our diet problems and
geezerhood treatment decisions and diabetes .
Diabetes office visit deals one of the biggest diabetes associated
(the feeling of quite security often while unaware of a
potential danger )
" DIABETES OFFICE VISIT WEB SITE " This web site and "The Doctor is in" section is designed to answer
any diabetes related questions and includes a almost daily blog
focused on improving your understanding of basic management
concepts. The 10 minute App training video will help you find and
use all of this app's features.
You and I , as patients ,are ultimately responsible for managing all of the aspects of diabetes care.
Imagine what could happen if, each of us accepted the privilege and responsibility for
maintaining our own good health. Diabetes Office Visit App. provides you with the tools to make this
this happen
You can also reach me email
Regular mail —- Diabetes office Visit PO BOX 1170 Creswell, Oregon 97426
I will do my best to make this app work for you.
One of the technical issues we had in development was the inability
of me to make test and corrections prior to its release. This resulted
in 8 updates over 3 to 4 months as I found and corrected Items that did
not meet my goals. I apologize for that problem
If you are unhappy with the app for any reason i will refund your money .
Thank you , have fun and be smart . You can defeat diabetes
David Calder, MD
This eBook and App is written by David Calder,MD , a diabetes
specialist with over 35 years of experience , who worked hands on to
design this app to help patients better manage all aspects of
their diabetes care. This app taps the knowledge and experience of Dr. Calder to help you get more out of each doctor's visit .
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